The name gladiolus comes from the latin word “gladius” meaning “sword”, for the shape of its leaves. The Gladiolus flower represents the roman gladiators and symbolize strength of character.
The genus Gladiolus belongs to the family Iridaceae and are native to the mountains of South America. They are also widely grown in the U.S. and Europe.
Gladiolus are easy to grow and make beautiful floral arrangements as well as beautiful displays in the garden.
There are over 180 known species of the gladiolus today, but only a few of them are found in most gardens. They produce swordlike leaves and spikes of funnel-shaped flowers. Most species are native to South Africa, but many new varieties and hybrids have been developed. Gladiolus species are propagated primarily from corms ,where flowers open first from the base of the spike with the older flowers dying as new ones develop and open.
The gladiolus is a romantic flower and signifies remembrance. It also expresses infatuation, telling the receiver that he or she “pierces the heart.” At one time, the roots of the gladiolus plant were thought to be an aphrodisiac.

The word ‘geranium’ is etymologically derived from the Greek source ‘geranion’ or ‘geranos’, which means a ‘crane’.
It is the common name for some members of the Geraniaceae, a family of herbs and small shrubs of temperate and subtropical regions.
These evergreen perennials are often used as bedding plants by garden-lovers. These bush like shrubs have wonderful marbled leaves, often sprinkled with darker zones. These plants are in the peak season of flowering from summer to autumn. Florists’ geraniums are hybrid varieties of the S African genus Pelargonium in which the “petals” are actually highly modified stamens. Geraniums are cultivated not only as ornamentals but for the aromatic oils extracted from their foliage and flowers for use in flavourings and perfumes.
The flowers can be found in single or double blooms, in an amazing variety of colours, like white, salmon, red, pink and even purple. The colours are not uniform, but variegated; the petals are often veined or blotched. In fact, the different hues are suggestive of different subtle emotions.
While ‘geraniums’ usually convey a sense of gentility and the sign of a peaceful mind, the silver-leafed geranium is a call back to the past, a reminder of forgotten things. The scarlet shade is sign of comfort, a gesture of consolation. The oak geranium expresses true friendship. Not only the different shades, but also the variety of shapes and sizes matter too, in this discreet way of sounding emotions. These flowers are indispensable for a true garden-loving individual!
Geraniums are classified in the division Magnoliophyta, of the class Magnoliopsida, and order Geraniales.

For Bacchic-pleasure seekers, the sight of a grape vine is tantamount to finding Elysium on earth! Yes, grapevine undoubtedly symbolizes intoxication. Scientifically, the vine, from which the intoxicating drink of wine originates, belongs to the Vitis family.
In fact, all literature-especially originates from the celebration of Bacchus, the wine god and this ritual of song and dance was inevitably incomplete without wine and tender entanglement of grapevines.

Modern life zips by so fast that sometimes man remains unaware of the beauties of Nature all around us. The blue expanse of the sky’s canopy over our heads, the dewy grass under our naked feet in the wee hours of morning-have a soothing effect upon our tired mind and body after the hectic schedules, of our modern lives. Yes, the green gsrass has inspired artists to shower praise upon this simple article of nature.
Grass, which always finds a place at our feet, is a symbol of humble submission. Thus, after a massive domestic fight, the husbands’ simple gift of a blade of grass would be an indication of his surrender, his acknowledgement of defeat in the combat of love. Grass of the ‘Gramen’ family implies utility; in fact green grass is useful in various ways. This plant of the monocotyledonous family Gramineae is most important to man in the vegetable kingdom with long narrow leaves and tubular stems. In fact, wheat, and other cereals, reeds (but not sedges), bamboo, sugar-can, pasture-grasses-all can be categorized under the wide umbrella of grass.
Quzzing grass, scientifically known as Briza media shows pivolity on the part of the person receiving it a simple single blade of grass can be pregnant with so many hidden expressions. In slang, grass however has another connotation-it implies the drugs – ‘marijuana’, while in the espionage diction, ‘grass’ is a secret informer for the authorities.