Make your loved one feel extra special with a Pretty in Pink Bouquet from SendaBunch.
Our Pretty in Pink Bouquet consists of 3 White Chrysanthemums 3 Pink Germini 6 Pink Spray Carnations and Greenery
This bouquet includes a box of chocolates the perfect sweet treat to make any occasion special.
Also included with your bouquet is a flower care eBook so you or the recipient can ensure that the flowers last as long as possible once they arrive.
Each bouquet is wrapped in a decorative sleeve with tissue paper and ribbons and sent from our purpose built Guernsey premises in a secure postal box. All of our plants and bouquets have delivery included.
Our flowers are sent in bud to ensure as long a vase life as possible this means that the recipient can have the maximum enjoyment from their flowers and also have the pleasure of watching them bloom.
Every bouquet from SendaBunch is protected by our guarantee if you are not satisfied with your bouquet then we will replace it or give you a full refund no questions asked.
Order now to ensure that your bouquet arrives in time and makes your loved one smile. Please note our Express Delivery option is Royal Mail Signed For so your chosen recipient will need to be in to receive their plant or bouquet.
PRETTY IN PINK BOUQUET makes the perfect gift for any loved one this bouquet consists of White Chrysanthemums Pink Geminis Pink Spray Carnations with Luxury Greenery.
PERSONALISED MESSAGE CARD Simply tick THE ADD OPTIONS BOX before sending to your shopping basket for the option of adding your personalised message when checking out.
SUITABLE FOR Birthdays Anniversary Christmas Wedding Congratulations Teacher Thank You With Love Get Well Soon Retirement Leaving Sorry New Home Baby Girl Mum Sympathy
BOX OF CHOCOLATES WITH EVERY ORDER INCLUDED Each Bouquet also comes with flower food and Bonus Ebook Guide then beautifully wrapped in tissue paper and ribbons to add that extra special touch.
OUR GUARANTEE Every bouquet shipped by SendaBunch is protected by our guarantee if you are not satisfied with your plant then we will replace or refund in full.