Vibrant Calathea picturata ‘Argentea’ Potted Silver Variegated Indoor Houseplant


EYE-CATCHING FOLIAGE – Calathea picturata ‘Argentea’ plants show glorious green, purple and white foliage which holds all year round due to being evergreen. They are definitely and eye-catching houseplant to have in any Indoor plant collection.
VIBRANT LEAVES – Renowned for their lovely multi-coloured leaves, the ‘Argentea’ plant will display silvery white leaves, accompanied by dark green margins. A very visually pleasing indoor houseplant.
TIPS & ADVICE – Be sure to water thoroughly during the growing season then reduce as Winter begins. Situate away from any direct sunlight as this can damage the leaves health and development. It is recommended to repot once every two years – during Springtime is best.
