Our Terrys Chocolate Orange Bouquet is filled with tasty orange chocolate that smells fantastic from the second you open the wrapper. A great gift for all year round, and not just for Christmas! With 14 chocolate bars and a share pouch, this bouquet will not disappoint. All of our bouquets also have the option to add a gift message at the checkout, which will be placed in a coloured envelope and attached to the bouquet.
This bouquet contains:
1 x Terrys Chocolate Orange Chocolate Pouch 125g
1 x Terrys Chocolate Orange Chocolate Box 157g
14 x Terrys Chocolate Orange Chocolate Bars 35g
All of the chocolates and sweets are secured on platforms and are not skewered or pierced. All of our bouquets are handmade and will arrive fully assembled, and finished with a complimenting luxury bow. Please consult individual chocolate wrappers for allergy information.
The Perfect Gift Choice For any Occasion made by The Nation’s Favourite Chocolate Florist
All the Chocolate Orange Favourites in 1 Bouquet – Terrys Chocolate Orange Pouch, Terrys Chocolate Orange Box, Terrys Chocolate Orange Bars.
UPDATED FROM SEPTEMBER 2019 – New and improved design with luxury handtied grosgrain bow and tag (these luxury bows do not flatten or crease, unlike the cheaper pull bows used by others).
All Gifts Are Handmade in the UK, fresh to order by our team of Chocolate Florists and can be personalised with a free gift message.
All order placed before 2pm Mon-Fri are dispatched the same day.